Feb 26, 2011

Supernatural (The CW Series)

Dean(right): I'm not gonna die in a hospital where the nurses aren't even hot!
This is one of my favorite shows ever so I may be a little bias on this one. I'll try my hardest not to be. It all began in 2005 with a death, a demon, and an escape. After that, the Winchester Brothers(Dean and Sam) were reborn as the greatest and most threatening demon hunting team in America...so far. The show originally aired on channel 11 when it was still WB but now the network has changed over to CW. The show airs on Friday's at 9pm(which of course is a protected event on my dvr). The genre of this show as you can imagine is based on the supernatural, drama, horror, and now a little romance(the one night stand kind). It's a great show to follow and I believe it is even worth it to buy the seasons on DVD with all the extras. It has already been through 5 whole seasons and it is currently in the middle of its 6th. This season is said to be the last of the series, but who knows what will happen in the end. Lets just hope it doesn't turn into another Smallville and get so stretched out that the characters all begin to kill themselves off. What makes this show unique is that each and every one of the characters is either one you will fall in love with or one that you can relate to. I mean look at the two main protagonists, Dean and Sam. They're great eye candy. Regardless of all this hotness though, this show is for men as well. A lot of my guy friends that I turned onto this show love it. It includes lots of action, comedy(some of the best one-liners), and sex(the girls are all hot) occasionally. The demons and other entity's aren't corny at all and the effects aren't even horrible for a TV series, which means there pretty good. I applaud Eric Kripke(show creator) for keeping me and all the other Supernatural-Fanatics around for six seasons. I am going to hate to see it go, but if they end things right they will keep me happy. Which reminds me, that's another thing the Supernatural Series is famous for; there season endings. If you ever take the time to watch the seasons on tape or the reruns they have on TNT, you will see what I mean. Overall, I really think the show is worth a watch no matter your age, sex, or super power. 
P.S: a great website for fans and even noobs to the show is: www.supernatural-fan-wiki.com/

  • Jared Padelecki: as Sam Winchester
  • Jensen Ackles: as Dean Winchester
  • Misha Collins: as Castiel
  • Jim Beaver: as Bobby
It's always been a show about family, much more than it is about anything else. The mythology is only an engine to raise issues about family. A big brother watching out for a little brother, wondering if you have to kill the person you love most, family loyalty versus the greater good, family obligation versus personal happiness- Eric Kripke

Castiel: I brought you out of hell, I can throw you back in.

1 comment:

  1. Supernatural kicks ass! I'm praying for another season. What would we do without the Winchesters?
