Apr 4, 2012

Monster Man(Sy Fy)

Monster Man is a new tv show featured on SyFy(previously called Sci-Fi..which i prefer much more) where the battle between practical effects and digital effects continues....

It features the Special Effects company called Sota FX where they follow around Cleve Hall(distinguishable by the guy-liner and white face) and Constance(best known as the girl with the magically changing hair color).

This show is good for a few reasons.

1. Cleve drives a Hearse =]

2. It features guys(and girls) who are for practical effects...best said by Cleve, "The best monsters are still hand made" You get to see up and close and personal, practical effects at its best =]

3.Cleve works with his ex wife and the "normal" one..the fact that the "normal" one always gets the shitty jobs and Cleve still answers to his ex-wife is hysterical to me.

The Ex
4.It has monsters. They may not always be good but the same can be said about digital effects as well.

On the other side of this...there is ONE HUGE BAD THING about this show as well.

Just like most reality shows following a business....the company is always given deadlines for jobs that take months to do, they NEVER finish on time, the client always makes SURPRISE visits, they are always late to their job locations, but in the end they somehow ALWAYS leave the client happy. 

At the end of the day though I still tune in every Wednesday at 10 to see the mess become the monsters I love to watch. If your a horror fan or practical effects fan...just WATCH..I'm pretty sure you have nothing else better to watch....American Idol? I dont think so.

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