Nov 6, 2011

Some of Horror's most memeorable my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I love watching horror movies for their intriguing plots and character development....
Ok...maybe not...maybe it's more about the KILLS, the BLOOD, & the BOOBS(when it applys). =]

 Now those are the true reasons I watch horror movies...These 3 things make me REALLY happy....
Before I list some of my favorite Kills to you, you should probably get a few things first.
  1. They won't be listed in order
  2. Horror Icons won't be on this list...I mean we all know there great at what they do from the 30 sequels they usually get. 
  3. This may be very explicit...depending on the amount of breasts I'd like to show =] .
  4. && finally I don't give A SHIT what your opinion is =] unless you like mine!
So lets begin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We start our list with Ghost Ship. Ahhh If i have ever seen a good mass kill scene it would be this one surely. The movie itself was terrible, but this scene outdid itself.
Sexyness: 1 lack of any nudity...but the singer was hot enough to get this a 1
Gore: 7 no gore...but lots of sliced bodies and Blood.
Creativity: 10!!! Did you see how many people a stupid wire killed? Thank god I'm below average height =]

"Jesus Wept!"
Hahah Why it's Hellraiser...oh how i miss you so. In fact, there is a remake coming out...but ya'll can assume that of every classic GOOD horror movie nowadays. 
Sexyness: 3 Hellraiser's girl is kind of hot if you like that whole discolored bald thing. Which I do.
Gore: 10 f*ck yes. There can't be any more..unless everyone else in the room suffered his fate too. && for a movie made during this "utter lack of technology" era the effects are very CREEPY.
Creativity: 9. Chains are so over rated. Especially with all these "Saw" kills nowadays. However chains that are alive? That's new and STILL original. 

Lets continue...
So I loved this movie for many reasons. 
  1. The nudity
  2. The Gore
  3. && the pure fun and comedy that is has brought back to horror movies(intentionally) 
So for these reasons, it HAS to be on this list. 
The video above is of the top 3 kills of the movie, && whats interesting about this video is that it compares these 3 kill scenes to Peter Jackson's "Brain Dead" or as the majority of the population calls it "Dead Alive". 
Sexyness: 8 because the girl was in a bikini and still looked good after having her skin peeled off. There was also the penis and the unforgettable scene of it being puked up. && lets not forget all the nudity throughout this film and the need for spring breakers to act like hoes to everyone elses benefit.
Gore: 10...lets face it..that sh*t was freaking nasty as hell. Chewed up penis', girls being scalped, piranha's emerging from throats. It's a beautiful thing.
Creativity: 0...well the video proves my point. If your gonna copy someone's work that's called p.l.a.g.a.r.i.s.m you FAIL.

The Hills Have Eyes:
Now this movie is f*cked up on all kinds of level...and there's a sequel too that is just as bad...this whole movie is disgusting and gory...and sometimes just plain wrong. There's rapes in this film by these disgusting incest creatures which are just not okay. This is the only movie I have ever seen that has made me feel wrong on so many levels. Here's a video of when Doug kills Jupiter.
This is the only video I could find of the kill surprisingly....hence the loud obnoxious music in the background... the characters that the special effects team made up for this movie are incredibly creepy and unforgettable. They're like a mixture of the wrong turn and rest stop characters if they had a baby and bashed each one on the head once with a hammer. 
Sexyness: absolutely none. 0!
Gore: 9....there are many aspects of this clip that make the gore factor a 9. For one those creatures faces and bodies are repulsive. Combined with bodies with flags in there heads as well as axes, it just makes it a classic fight between horror villain and horror hero gone right.
Creativity: 4..not much creativity here just pure instinct. Kill the guys who wanna kill  with any weapon you find and get the f*ck out of there.

Hostel 2: Lorna's Death. 

Here's another movie where both the original and the sequel compete with each other with their levels of sickness. The deaths in both these movies are creative as hell because each man has his own personal style of torturing his "paid by daddy's trust fund" victim. This scene is just one of the examples of the kinds of death scenes you can expect in this film. The other infamous one...which isn't really considering a kill when on poor lil fellow gets his lil fellow CUT off. =] Watch that clip on YouTube and let that deter all you guys from messing with the wrong girl.
Sexyness: 10..well a DUHHH... there's not one naked chick but 2! The scene itself it set up to be some sexual fantasy of this one chick and her finally getting to live it. She's wrapped up in chains laying in a tub naked =] no sensors. So, I had to give this 10. I means it's sad and all that the other girl couldn't enjoy it as much as she did. But she sliced her and bathed in her all in good fun.
Gore: 9...she bathed in this b*tches blood. That's sick. Even by my standards...did she even have her tested before she went ahead and let her blood creep up in her vagina like that?
Creativity: 10. Never seen it done in another movie. If it's an original it will always get a 10. Especially, because a girl could be as sick as this. It makes it even more entertaining to watch.

Final Desination

Now a good kill list must include a kill from Final Destination. I mean, isn't that what this movie series is about? The kills? Well, since there were probably about 50 kills over the span of the 5 or so movies it was really hard to narrow it down to just one. So instead I picked TWO. =]

1. Nora Gets Hooked. 

I loved this death scene for a lot of reasons. One was because of the vulnerability of these characters just prior to her death. I mean for God's sake the woman just lost her son and she thought she lost her "head" before she actually does lose her "head". Another reason is because of the suspension building up to her death, because you KNOW what's about to happen to this character. This suspension that the movie created so well in the first 2 movies is what made this series so successful in the beginning. It seemed like after the first 2 movies they were just trying to fit in as many kills as possible without really creating a storyline for each character, giving us some sort of attachment to them. The attachment I felt for this woman and sorrow, made this scene even more scarier. Final Destination is probably the only series that also made me fear a lot of things in my actual life. Like Airplanes, psychics, elevators, highways, and bridges.

2. Erin gets Nailed.

Now this is where the movie series starts to go down hill. The deaths were of course bloody, jump-out-of-you seat, gory fun but there was no actual plot that you followed throughout the movie. I never found myself eager to see what was going to happen to each of the characters. I was just hiding behind my hands the whole time because it seemed like each moment in the movie was a new death rather than any real development.

Sexyness: 3 because some of the characters were cute themselves throughout the film. There were lots of girls they shuffled through during this series. Ali Larter being one of my favorites who went on to do better things with herself like Heroes.
Gore: 9...they definietly tried to make the death scenes as brutal as possible especially towards the end of the series. You have fences cutting people into 1/8's of themselves and buses pummeling into a poor traumatized girl. 
Creativity: 10, if the movie had no creativity with there kills then it wouldn't have lasted this long. People come back to see this movie just for the kills and nothing else. So I give a kudos to the directors and writers of the film for keeping the diversity of the deaths very broad.

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