Nov 30, 2011

Differences between Walking Dead comics and TV show.

Well I’m sure the first thing that all of you are wondering who haven’t read an watched The Walking Dead series is if the comic is better than the show. In my opinion, I’d say they both have the strengths and I love them both for different reasons. Sometimes during the first season of the show I felt like they dragged certain scenes on for too long where sometimes there were periods of nothingness. This is unlike the comic where EVERYTHING happens at a much faster rate. Robert Kirkman, who is the creator of the comic, wastes no time on dragging out anything. But this is a reason why I actually prefer the show sometimes. What the show did that the comics didn’t was go into further detail about characters back stories and the relationships between the characters. It also placed new characters in the Walking Dead story that actually have played a big and important part in the story’s plot. Anyways, enough of my rambling. Let’s move on to looking at the facts. 
Here is a list of some of the key differences between the tv show and the comics:
  • ·         Rick meets his first zombie or rather cafeteria FULL of zombies much quicker in the comics. Unlike in the tv show where Rick doesn’t quite meet his first zombie till outside of the hospital; in the comics as soon as he wakes up and strolls down the hallways he comes across the cafeteria which is full of zombies waiting to feast like thanksgiving dinner. In the show, he avoids this whole scenario by choosing not to enter the double doors that yield the sign, “Don’t Open, Dead inside”. This sign is actually in the comics as well, but much later in the comics, so it was kind of an Easter egg put in the show for fans of the comic.

  •             Rick and Morgan: So we meet Morgan in the beginning episodes of the tv show, as he was the first person Rick sees that’s alive. He’s the guy who was held up with his son and stalked his “walker” wife from the window, remember? Well in the comics this character and his son do exist, but the whole conflict with Morgan’s wife and moving on doesn’t. In the comics, she isn’t even a character at all. Also, when they Rick and Morgan part ways in the comics he leaves Morgan with a police car rather than a radio like in the show.
  • ·         The campsite in the Comics is about a few hundred feet away from the City, unlike in the tv Show where Glen gets to leave the city in a fancy car due to a nice hefty sum of “product placement”. 

    • ·         In the comics, the zombies are referred to as “Zombies”. In the tv show, the zombies are referred to as “Walkers” and never anything else besides “people”. In my opinion, I prefer walkers over zombies cuz it seems less generic.
    • ·         In the comics, the relationship between Rick and Shane prior to the apocalypse is never explained in detail as it is in the tv show. In the show we learn quite a bit about their relationship as they sit in the police car talking during the lunch break before Rick gets shot. This scene is also preferred by me because it helps to see how Shane interacted with Rick before and after the events.
    • ·         In the comics a lot of key characters from the show DON’T exist. Such as Merle, Daryl, and ED. Carol is a single mom in the comics. && There’s no T-dawg in the comics. Instead there’s a big black football player named Tyrese =]
    • ·         The whole season finale with the introduction of the “TS-19” virus, DOESN’T happen in the comics. In the comics, the group never goes to the CDC, the nursing home, and they never meet the gang of Mexicans that kidnap Glenn either. The first survivors that the group meets after they meet each other is at Herschel’s Farm.
    • ·         Shane and Lori’s love was a one night stand in the comics that was fueled by the depression that consumed their whole bodies after their mutual sadness with Rick’s passing and the apocalyptic events that followed. In the tv show, this love was played out quite differently. It seems as though in the tv show their love lasted more than just one night in a tent and could be the reason for a new life in the show.
    • ·         Another big difference between the show and the comics is how other perceived Shane and his fate. In the comics, Dale comes straight out and tells Rick that no one trusts Shane and that Shane has a thing for Lori. Also in the comics, Shane  DIES by the end of the 6th issue. The scene was actually pretty crazy. Rick and Shane had a confrontation in the woods which led to Shane pulling out a gun on Rick. Luckily, Carl found daddy in the Woods with his temp-daddy, and decided to shoot him in the neck because of all the pain he caused mommy and daddy.  The tv show completely avoids this whole scene because Shane is still alive and kicking well into the second season and Carl is still fond of him. Dale however, still isn’t. EDIT: WARNING! SPOILER! CARL ACTUALLY DOES GET TO BLAST SHANE'S HEAD OFF. SO HE GETS TO FULFILL HIS COMIC BOOK DESTINY. BUT THE DIFFERENCE IS THAT SHANE IS A WALKER & HIS FATHER GETS FIRST DIBS ON SHANE.
    So now we just finished Season 2 and I have a post for that whole she-bang. However, I wanted to add another similarity between the comic books and the tv show and that's Michonne. 

    • _Michonne_ 
      •  She first appeared during the season finale of the tv show(though she was supposed to be in the pilot and late got cut out). In the comics she appeared first in issue 19, and since then has played a crucial role in the comic series. The characters played in both the comic and the tv show look similar to each other, because just like in the comics, she is sporting a Katana and 2 walkers that are chained to her. In the comics, one of these walkers was her best friend while the other was her boy friend. She uses their scents as a defense against other walkers and has cut off their lower jaw and arms to protect herself.
    She's one bad-ass chick with tons of ninja sword fighting skills in the comics and i'm sure she will be in the show as well(I mean she did save Andrea's life). She is going to be a vital addition to the group especially within their new scenery(the prison).

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