Jan 2, 2012

Top Online Stores for Horror Fans =]

Well being an avid horror fan I'm always looking for the coolest shit to add to my collection. My wall is literally covered in horror movie cover art, && this collection is now extending to my guest rooms as well.

I thought I'd share my love of all horror things by including a few websites and magazines in this post that I personally recommend.

Lets start with my favorite horror magazine.
  •  Rue Morgue:I love this magazine for tons of reasons. 1st of all new movies aren't buying covers on this magazine (like Fangoria), which makes it unbiased && more awesome. They chose which movies they'll review based on there own opinions & interests, making the articles more entertaining to read.  The articles inside also include the newest in rock music, genre trends, movies, comics, && tons more; so there is a lot of variety in the content. Here's a link to their main site: Rue Morgue  
Next up are some awesome collectibles I found during my travels to conventions and such:
My Favorite
  • WerePups: These are some awesome little Lycans that you can adopt starting April of 2012 when there site is fully functional. They all 11' fully pose-able latex werewolf baby dolls that would be a great addition to any family and are much easier to look after than the real thing. They have a whole litter of pups you can choose from and you can even order custom ones modeled after past pups. If you want to see these past Werepups and the newly adoptable ones they have a facebook site that you can check out to see all their photo shoots. They go for about $75 each, but are so worth it because they are a life-long commitment. Werepups
    Nightmare 6 Glove "The Final Nightmare"
  • Nightmare Gloves: Now this is the perfect gift either to yourself or someone else that you know who is very fond of Freddy Krueger. These are without a doubt the best quality of Freddy gloves that you will EVER find in this galaxy. They are all custom-crafted, cinema prop replicas, exclusive, && original art collectibles. The creator of these gloves has not yet released his new, "Elm Street Reborn" series but they are sure to come soon. These gloves have been signed, bought, recognized, and even supported by the master of Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund(he's featured on the site).  Heres a link to the official site: Nightmare Gloves but since that's not fully functional yet..here is their Facebook site: Nightmare gloves Facebook
  • Freddy Krueger Glove necklace: Can't you tell I'm a Freddy fan already? Well this was a pretty neat find of mine as well. Though the chain is sh*tty on this necklace, I adore the hell out of the actual piece. It's the best Freddy Krueger necklace I can find that is girl-friendly and not to harsh. i LOVEEEE it. It's sold on this Etsy shop(which is sold out now) && at conventions as well. Here is the link for the etsy shop(hopefully she'll restock soon):Glove necklace
Glove Necklace
 Next I'll give you some of my top online stores to shop at for MISC. items:
  • House of Mysterious Secrets: This online store has everything a horror fan could dream of; from magazines to shirts to statues/mini-busts. Check this store often for sales && specials such as free shipping and buy 3 get 1 free deals. I frequently shop here personally for my shirts which are sometimes as cheap as 15 bucks. This store usually has the sh*t I can't find any where else so if your looking for something specific(anything at all), search here first. Here's the link: House of Mysterious Secrets
  • Rotten Cotton: haha everyone's favorite horror t-shirt store...(aside from Frightrags) You can almost ALWAYS find their ads in Fangoria and such. I love their stuff mainly for 1 reason. There old school && they have old school. Each of the shirt comes with about only 2 colors on it...check out the site and you will see. This unique decision by the company to place at most 3 colors on a shirt makes them different, classic, && just plain awesome. The shirt designs are sick && they usually have deals on shirts with their own logos going for 10 dollars. They also have a pretty selection for the females in your life. Check it all out here: Rotten Cotton *If you go to the site make sure you check out the "MINION" tab, it is a section filled with pictures of customers in their tees!*
  • Fright Rags: Another notorious website for their horror t-shirts, sells everything from vintage horror shirts, limited edition shirts, to posters and more. They another company that places a limited amount of colors on their shirts though that number seems to be increasing a tad bit with time. My favorite section of the site is the "Graveyard" tab where all retired designs go to die && be buried. However, sometimes you are allowed to vote on which dead design you want to return from the dead =] pretty cool huh? See what I'm talking about here: Fright Rags

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