Mar 3, 2011

*The Andromeda Strain Pt 2*

The capsule of who's name shall not be spoken

 Ok, well I just finished watching the 2nd part of the Andromeda Strain like literally three minutes ago and all I can say is wow. For the first like 60 minutes after the initial "boom", it was a lot of chaos in the movie. Let me just warn you that if you watch this movie you either have to know your shiz in science or have subtitles on to get half the things they are saying in this movie. There's a lot of theories being thrown around the first 60 minutes and a lot of doctoral degree in science vocab going on too. It's actually pretty confusing and makes you go then wtf caused this freaking thing?!?!? But overall the second part was definitely a lot more exciting. It had a lot more twists and turns, explosions, and oh no "____" didn't?!?! The ending though.....oh the prepared to be like where's part 3? It had a great twist at the end, but they definitely left it open for another movie or mini-series to be made(which the by way hasn't). I don't like to have to wait 10 years to see what happens because then by then I'll forget! Anyways, I recommend this movie for scientists, sci-fi fans, and people who are bored out of their minds. By the way, Andromeda is pronounced...An-Dra-Ma-Da...didn't know how to say that until I saw the movie. So i'm giving you a little heads up before you start telling people your seeing, An-dro-me-da Strain. =] Now here's some snapshots to keep you entertained. 
Its like The Birds all over again!

So what do you think happened? I think they-re all drunk.

1 comment:

  1. I still haven't seen it yet but it sounds good.
    Im gonna have to go out and get it now
    Thanks for the review!
    Awesome job!
