Mar 13, 2011

Just caught nightmare on elm street 1-3 again..and I must say that the 3rd installment of nightmare on elm street called dream warriors is so far my favorite. It brings Nancy back (who is the protagonist from the 1st movie) and she comes back 2 help another group of kids fight Freddy in their dreams. Its an awesome movie because it brings back the creepiness that Freddy kreuger always possessed and it was way scarier than the 2nd..I feel like the 2nd movie went way to off course and didn't abide by the Freddy laws..this movie goes back to how the original was made with a horror feel instead of having a gay undertone the 2nd is famous for and a super Freddy. So as for the nightmare on elm street series 1-3..I recommend the 1st and 3rd if u really wanna get to know the mythology behind Freddy and see what he is truly capable of. The 2nd movie u could skip unless u want a good laugh. :-)

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