Apr 1, 2011

Top Horror Survival games in my opinion =]

So this is my opinion guys and it's just a list of some of the horror survival games I've played that I really loved. They are in no specific order unless otherwise stated. 
  • Fatal Frame-1 of the scariest games I have ever played. I couldn't play this is the dark. The controls are fairly easy but what makes them hard is trying to do them while your scared. This game is only for ps2...but I guarantee you its worth the 3 bucks it's probably on amazon. The second one was WAY scarier than the first. Proceed with Caution.
  • Fatal Frame
  • Resident Evil-This game is my favorite game to play co-op. I liked the 5th one even though most people didn't. It was challenging just like most the other games and the zombies were freaking awesome. Beware!!! cuz their the running kind...haha. This is an xbox 360 game so feel free to enjoy the good graphics and easy gamer controls.

  • Silent Hill Series-Again, this is one of those games that I couldn't play by myself or in the dark.
    There are a lot of games in this series, starting from the playstation 1st generation then to the ps2 and finally to the xbox 360. There's even a game called shattered memories for Wii. DON'T ASK ME ABOUT PS3 CUZ I DON'T OWN IT =[ The Silent hill named the room was one of the scariest for me and fun to play. I also love the 2nd silent hill because there's an extra game you can unlock as another character.

  • Alan Wake-never played it myself so it might not be right to rate this. But so far it's gotten a lot of rave reviews so i thought it was only fair to give it some mention. People have said it was spooky, easy controls, great story, but there was more brain puzzles than action. So if you prefer more action than a nancy drew type game for your xbox or ps3, SKIP!

  • Condemned 1 & 2-Eeeek. This game was really fun, and the characters were pretty cool and creative. Hand to hand combat was awesome in this game but I have to admit I did get bored halfway through it.

  • Left For Dead-Favorite, Favorite, MOST FAVORITE zombie game ever......seriously nothing can beat this game. And the second is even better. The levels are long, the online play where you can be either the zombies or the heroes is so much fun(and hard)...my favorite part is the characters like Bill haha who always keep dying and you gotta save his dumb ass..lol...but overall it's a really fun game to play solo or multiplayer.

Honorable Mention
  • Dead Rising-it's like dawn of the dead on steroids...no co-op in this game...the 2nd one is really fun because you can combine weapons and make them even more powerful. 
  • Gears of War-it's mean, weapons, and monsters on steroids.
  • Fear-just look at the cover! 
The awesomeness of Read Rising
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