Feb 12, 2012

Mid-Season premiere of The Walking Dead! 2012

So we finally return right where we left off....
 the barn massacre. 

&& the first problem we must solve is the Sophia issue..&& whether Hershel has been keeping her zombified body a secret or not....well..he WAS. Everyone on the farm knew...but like Glenn said.."Maybe this is for the best" According to him, Sophia's disappearance was different than the rest of the missing survivors...it's for this reason they end up giving her a proper burial(poor Andrea..her sister didn't get the same red-carpet treatment)

In other exciting news, b/c of Shane falling off his rocking chair last season....THERE OUT OF A HOME or a piece of LAND shall I say. Or @ least Shane is....ohh && Dale STILL hates Shane "I knew guys like him...Sooner or later he's gonna kill somebody else". Though..we shouldn't jump the gun on Shane folks...he still has a heart && he shows it in this episode.."I'm just trying to keep everyone safe".

As far as Rick, he is starting off this season still uneasy about his leadership abilities and whether he has what it takes to lead. With all the recent disasters happening in the group, he is beginning to blame himself, && lose faith in the drive that got him to where he is now.

In the meanwhile...in the background..one of the residents at the farm goes into SHOCK...&& Glenn's got 99 zombies and the live one's the issue... 

WhErE's hErShEl?!?!?
Drinking his "miracles" away..according to him the group played him for a fool. "You guys are like the plague!"

"Stop running around solving everyone else's problems! Your son needs a father who is ALIVE!"-Lori
"We NEED Hershal for the baby!!!"-Rick
Of course it is shortly after this that Lori decided to grow a pair of non existent rubber balls and follow Rick and Glen into town...when all of a sudden..predictably...BAM! She crashes(I swear the previews didn't already give this away =p) So time for a hypothetical question: Does Lori die or get saved? We must wait till next time for an answer.

Also...NEW PEOPLE stop by for a lil bit..&& then leave in a rush =\  One of the strangers left us with a quote to ponder on.. "Ain't nobody's hands clean...we're all the same in this world". The strangers main motives: to get a place on the farm for their group...unfortunately given the day that Rick has been having he has to decline their offer to pull in resources.

As the show ends we see a new side of Rick that paints him as more of a leader. He does a first during this episode that he has never had to do in this new world before, but I'll leave you to watch it yourself.

We are left with a cliffhanger this week, wondering if what the hell happened to Lori?...Stay tuned next week.

Some funny pictures to leave ya'll off with.

Prediction for this season: It's gonna be worth watching every week.

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