Mar 18, 2012

The Walking Dead Season Finale


What a season freaking finale!
That was epic, in the sense that, everyone want to throw Rick off a cliff and finally Michonne gets her introduction, epic.
Burn baby, Burn

So the season finale started about 2 minutes before we signed off on the last episode. It showed us why all the walkers started migrating towards a certain direction in the first place, which was because a helicopter had attracted them. THEN...upon hearing the gun shot go off when Shane was shot by Carl they decided that that sounded like more fun and headed towards the farm instead..DUN DUN DUNNNN. (Somebody should just shoot Carl already, that nuisance)

After this is when the Spartan size battle began between the Walkers and the group at the farm. This consisted of an ambush in an RV, the utter destruction of the barn, and wasn't complete without a few appetizers for the zombies.

The group didn't leave this battle without a few sacrifices, which forgive me for not knowing there names, but they weren't important anyways.

By the end of this winning battle everyone splits up and conveniently meets back up all at once at the highway in the same spot they broke down at in season 1(sans 1 group member)....Andrea was the only one left behind after this mess ended..everyone else had a vehicle of some sort. She ends up being lucky however, despite all this bad luck, because she stumbles upon the weapons bag && gets to take that with her a little goodie bag from the party she just left. When you see her again at the episode, this is when Robert Kirkman's comic book character named Michonne finally is revealed.

Michonne is a key character in the comic books, but I hardly have a clue of what role she will play in the tv show. She was actually supposed to appear in the Pilot episode of the tv series but was later cut out. In the comics and in the tv show she has chained herself to 2 walkers, one being her best friend and the other her boyfriend. As retarded as this move may sound, it was actually a pretty clever move on her part to chain herself to them. In order to protect herself, from her them she cut off their arms as well as their lower jaw so they couldn't bite her. On top of that, she has the added protection from their scent which wards off other walkers =] Another weapon she has is her Katana, which she is an EXPERT in, and this is apparent when you see her swing and chop the head off of the walker that was about to have Andrea for desert. In the comics, she ends up joining the group, so we'll have to see if they head in that same direction next season.

On TOP of all this however, nothing I believe is more important than all the events that circled Rick's character in this episode. Just last episode, we had revealed to us that whatever disease these walkers were infected with could spread even without being bitten by a Walker. We didn't get much of why or how, but we saw it happen in Randall's character and Shane's as well. Well, fast forward to this episode, and we finally find out why(we didn't have to wait long did we?) Rick reveals to the rest of the group that.........

*pause for dramatic effect*

back at the CDC before they left, the doctor had told him that they had ALL been INFECTED!

After this came to light, I believe that this was the turning point in how everyone reacted and felt about Rick. Most were angry about him not telling them and they were not at ALL understanding of his reasons, which he listed, as "thinking it was better you didn't know" and "it's not important".

Lori however had reason to hate Rick even before her admitted this secret to everyone because just seconds before is when he admitted to killing Shane to her. Lori's reaction: priceless, the fool was so upset at the fact that he killed Shane that she was being totally ignorant to the fact that Shane had tried to kill Rick first and that just 2 episodes ago she was whispering in Rick's ear trying to persuade him to get rid of Shane. I swear women flip flop between their feelings quicker than hookers switch men at an orgy.

What is most unfortunate for Rick though is the fact that he is going crazy at a more alarming rate than Shane was and he doesn't even realize it.  By the end of the episode, we are left with Rick admitting to EVERYONE he killed Shane, and to make matters better, also implying to the group that they are no longer following a democracy anymore but instead a tyranny!!! Bet they all miss Shane now?

Next season: We will be brought to the prison which was showed the last second of the season finale episode. We will also find out more about Michonne and meet new characters like The Governor. Who will die? Who will go there separate ways apart from the group? Will Andrea return? Was the Helicopter coming from the prison? All important questions that I cannot WAIT to be answered next season.

My thoughts on this season: I love every second of it. I believe that this time around the director and everyone involved had a better sense of what they wanted to accomplish with the show and they went above and beyond that goal. Every episode for me contained valuable information that carried the show along and didn't drag it out like the first season. There was more blood, more action, and DEFINITELY more deaths this seasons. Overall..BRAVO && so long to Shane and Dale.

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