Oct 26, 2011

Awesome Horror Facts 2nd Edition!

First && foremost:


Ok now on to some new knowledge I have gained on the horror film industry:

The First horror movie was Georges Melies short film, "Le Manoir du Diable".

Over 160 people have Count Dracula in Movies, more than any other horror film character.

The Silence of the Lambs is the only horror film to receive
a Best Picture Oscar. 

Blair Witch: One of the film cameras used during the movie by the actors was bought at Circuit City(now closed),  AND returned in order to make their movie budget go even further. Wonder if they raised the price of the camera after that?! Also, be4 the film was even released the 3 main actors were listed on IMDB.com as missing and presumed dead. 

Exorcist: The demon noises that you heard coming from Regan's body were actually recordings of slaughter house pigs..can anybody say...PETA? 

Carrie: Sissy Spacek refused to ruin the continuity of the film, so during the 3 days they were filming the prom scene she slept in the blood and dress. Dirty girl. Also, in the prom scene of the movie when the hose knocked out one of the girls, in reality, a girl was truly knocked out from the pressure of the water and they kept it in the film for realism. 

The Ring:  In the ring, when Noah and Rachel return to the Inn at the end of the movie, below the sign "Shelter Mountain Inn" sign it reads "Closed until further notice", because in the alternate version of the film the Cabin manager dies from watching the film. A really good reason to buy the VHS or dvd version of the film is that if you watch the movie fully re-wounded, at the beginning, the creepy film plays and after you hear a phone ringing twice before previews start. Also, after the movie you see additional footage that helps to explain the mystery behind the cursed video.

  • Nitemare on Elm Street: The scene with Jonny Depp lying on the bed listening to the radio, if you listen to the broadcast you will hear the DJ saying, "this is KRGR" which is Kruger without the vowels. 
  • Con't: Also, not shown in the actual movie but on the disc's special features is that Nancy and her friends weren't the only children && that some of the brothers/sisters were killed by him too. 
  • Con't: At the hospital where Nancy's hair turns white, the nurse is played by Wes Craven's wife, Mmi Craven. 
  • Con't: The only times you see the word, "Elm street", is during the opening and closing credits...the word is never mentioned in the film. 
  • Halloween: Due to the extremely low budget of the film, Michael wore a redesigned WIlliam Shatner mask, and Jamie lee Curtis bought her clothes from J.C Penny with an 100 dollar budget.  
  • Con't: John Carpenter is the voice of Annie's bf when you hear him talking on the phone to Annie.
  • Stephen King's IT:Pennywise the Clown was inspired by the real life serial killer John Wayne Gacy who used to dress up as a clown. 
  • Con't: Throughout the movie, Pennywise is saying, "Beep Beep Richie", in the book it explains that he is saying this as a way to tell Richie to shut up. 
  • Con't: A night guard at the asylum is named Koontz, after Stephen King's rival author Dean Koontz.

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