Oct 27, 2011

Quick post concerning Scream 4 and more.

Well as you know Scream 4 has just had it's dvd and blu-ray disc release. So I am encouraging all you knowing this information to go out and BUY it. Whether it be for you or a friend...whatever your case may be...BUY IT. Christmas is around the corner and according the Wes Craven this is how he is trying to make up for loss on movie sales.
Hey!! Whats wrong with this picture?

My suggestion is buy it off ebay for 13 bucks and you got the dvd and blu-ray version...if you don't have 1 of those players(even though im assuming all of us have both by now), then turn around and sell one of the discs yourself and make some EXTRA cash for some gum =]

So now onto Scream 5 news....

Turn the f*uck around! 

Well it's definitely happening.At some point.

Theres obstacle that there trying to overcome now such as the need of a new writer. Kevin Williamson, a writer that Wes Craven fancies working with, is TOO busy to write for Scream 5. Do you have what it takes?

And Wes Craven has been quick to point out that one of the main characters or MORE!! is going to die regardless of any previous statements he made that they will all live. I don't know about y'all but I wish that he would keep them 3 around since he did for this long. I mean they are the reasons Ghostface survived this long anyways, right?

The Trio
Now moving on to Wes Craven and his possibility in the film...well the short answer is that it is all up in the air for right now. Everything must be perfect to him down to the script and timing. Which ultimately means that he's only going to put his name on this project if it looks like it's going to be able to rack up more cash than the last one. Also, according to him he needs a much needed "summer time off" filled with booze, naked chicks, and drugs.

For all your Ghostface and Sydney fans Scream-Triology.net is a great site to keep update with all Scream information.

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