Oct 30, 2011

My favorite Horror Conventions on the East Coast =]

Just wanted to make a real quick post for all you Horror fans seeking some nice, sexy, and entertaining fun with some of the best people around. Of course this is for all you east coast fans unless you got a nice convenient smart car or jet. =]

He's laughing at all you smart car owners.

First of all, let me point out that there is a multitude of horror conventions on the east coast that will some how satisfy one of your needs. The undead festival, Chiller, Monster-Mania, Saturday Nightmares, and Rock and Shock are a few I'd like to point out. But my top 2 have to be Chiller Theatre and Monster Mania and they both run twice a year. Meaning...more $$ spent on things that make you feel like a kid inside. Seeing as how these 2 are my favorite they will be the ones that I will be talking about in this post.

Here are the official links to all the sites for these wonderful expos:

May we continue?


Monster Mania comes around again to Parsippany, Nj next year in March. =] though they have had events as well in August and some events in Maryland as well...but they haven't posted those up on there sites yet.
&& then....
Chiller theatre comes to the same location every April and October. Thank god. Its usually at the Hilton because they get more profits from you paying an arm and a leg and sacrificing dinner for the next three days just to stay there...

Now each convention has it's own benefits for going...and of course here they are.

Go to Monster Mania if your interested in meeting more of the newer generation of scream kings and queens. Next year Robert Englund will be there =] He played the original Freddy Krueger for all you non-horror fans out there...if you exist...others who I have met there are Tony Todd, Edward Furlong, Danielle Harris, Ghost Hunters crew, and much much more....The booths are pretty awesome too..there's tons of cool shit to spend your money on so make sure you save up for this starting a year in advance. Autograph tickets are usually 20 bucks a pop but they can go all the way up to 40!! Some of the celebrities give you a free camera shot with them as well but then again some are money hungry so they can charge you 10 for that too..It's important to remember though that these prices aren't set up by the conventions OR the actors themselves but rather the entertainment company's that represent them.  

Go to Chiller Theatre if your more interested in meeting the Classic Horror stars from movies like Night of the Living Dead or shows like the Munsters. This convention also has the better model kits, chiller theatre souvenirs, and rare items. The best part of this convention though is the saturday night Halloween costume contest and all the beer and good rock music. I swear to you that you will never meet a better crowd of guests anywhere else. In October the costumes are amazing like God of War amazing and head in a refrigerator amazing. The actual party starts at like 7 in the main lobby where everyone gets loose and has a good time. Monster Mania doesn't have this kind of party so if your going to Monster Mania I'd suggest just spending the day there and not getting a room. For Chiller Theatre however, I STRONGLY suggest you get a room that after you get drunk you can pass out in =]

Here are some of my photos from Monster Mania and Chiller...The 1st 7 are from Monster Mania and the last are from Chiller...Enjoy =p

Danielle Harris(Halloween)

Tony Todd(Candyman)

Kimberly Brown(Halloweentown, Rose Red)

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