Mar 14, 2012

Monster Mania 21

So here we are again...yet another weekend has passed that was filled with a sea of Jason's, Freddy's, and the occasional clown on stilts. Of course I'm talking about Monster-Mania!!!!!

This bloody and gory filled weekends is probably my favorite good time on the east coast besides Chiller Theatre(which is geared more towards classic horror).

At this 3-day convention you can find numerous panels, horror movies playing all weekend, and a mass of your favorite celebrities signing autographs all day for about $30 a pop. It’s just a good time.
A note about the prices of autographs for celebrities….they keep increasing!  And I know a lot of people are upset about this but one thing I learned is that the convention is NOT responsible for the prices set by these celebrities! SO STOP complaining to the convention runners! The agencies that represent these celebrities often times set up these prices if not the celebrities themselves….they need to make a profit somehow off these things and the agencies take a cut of the paycheck(do you wonder why the prices went up now?) Just like us, some of these celebs have to make money, especially the washed up ones that come to these events. So its either you pay for the autograph now or you send your money to a fan mail address and get an un-personalized autograph from an assistant to print you out a carbon-copy signature =]

This weekend my celebrities that were a MUST-SEE was the cast of the original Blair Witch Project, Kane Hodder, Robert Englund aka Freddy Krueger, and Carl, Merle, and T-dog from The Walking Dead. All the above mentioned celebrities were such a pleasure to meet. They were all nice to me and my civilian friends, especially T-dog(I forget his real name at the moment) and Robert Englund.

My only negative comment about the whole convention (which many people besides myself have complained about) was the way they handled the line for Robert Englund. Saturday(all-day & I’m sure other days) they had people literally waiting hours in the cold just to see him. Now, this isn’t a usual problem for the convention, it just sucked that it just so happened this time where I actually wanted to meet the headliner really badly. Then on top of that, of course out of all these beautiful days we’ve been having I decided to wait outside in my Tina costume on the cold one lol. =p I, myself, waited for 4 1/2 hours to see him, who knows how long other waited behind me! The worst part was that the people behind me got cut off and weren't allowed to see him even after their hours of waiting outside to see him. All in all though, Robert Englund was WELL WORTH the wait to me. He is my absolute favorite horror icon and has been since I was first potty trained. I’m pretty sure that while other kids were learning how to sing twinkle twinkle I was learning the, “1,2 Freddy’s coming for you” song. One of the main reasons his lines actually took so long was because he likes to take an adequate amount of time out with each fan to really personalize the experience. This may seem dreadful while you’re on the line waiting, but once you get to see him and you realize your over here having a convo with the dream killer, you’ll understand.  For what it’s worth I truly think he is the nicest celebrity I have met so far, && I have met quite a few dumba$$es along the way. I’m probably gonna check out his book next, Hollywood Monster, && the documentary, Never Sleep Again. Saw some awesome reviews for these.

One more negative comment: They need more beer besides at the bar haha…At Chiller they literally have beer wagons =]

I’ll post some of my pictures from the event in this post(though I don’t have many because I forgot my camera at my dorm room that weekend) ENJOY!!!!!! 

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